Taking control denotes claiming back your
power and ability to perform and produce desired results. The Giver of all that is, is Love. He operates through love and your duty
therefore is to know what the Creator’s love is, so that you can learn how to align
your life to His and hence overcome your negativity.
Remember that your spirit never dies; it will
leave your body at the point of death and go back to your Creator or to eternal
destruction. So the issue of knowing who
you are is not a myth and you must give it your attention. I will highlight how you can get started in
preparing for your eternal life with your Creator. He first demonstrated love by sending His Son
as a Redeemer to buy you back into His household. The questions you will have to answer
therefore are: What did you do with my Son whom I send to release you? Did you
accept Him as your Savior?
The explanation of love will enable you to
understand the relevance of these questions.
It will reveal why the Creator says without faith in Him it is
impossible to please Him. This will be the point of focus in forthcoming
articles. He laments on the ignorance of
mankind regarding the purpose of life on planet earth. In seeking enlightenment, I encourage you to
open your heart because you cannot descent spiritual concepts with your
mind. Love is a key to your purpose in
this life. Note the following attributes of love:
Patience – denotes having general positive regard for
others because we have different temperaments, which sometimes challenge our
attempts to love unconditionally.
Kindness – would not allow you to speak ill of others not
ignore the need of those you can offer help. This includes both physical
actions or sending kind thoughts and prayers to the unlovable people in your
Love is devoid of envy – it means to be happy when others
succeed before you.
Love does not boast and is not proud – Let me explain
this with regard to long-term relationships.
Couples boast about their contributions and effectively destroy their
love and appreciation of their partner’s uniqueness. Generally boasting is hurtful and says I am
better than you!
Love does not keep record of wrongs! This is the common
of all relationships ills. We step on the
toes of those we love and they tend to remind us of the past wrongs. This is the first challenge you have to learn
to overcome in loving unconditionally because this is an emotional blackmail. Such
an attitude says you hold the other person hostage; thus making life very uncomfortable.
It is a form of controlling; the selfishness of mankind. It is amazing how we overlook
this, yet your own Creator gave you freedom to love Him and willingly obey Him.
Loving others denotes you are ready and
willing to protect them; you trust and uplift them when they encounter
challenges. You encourage them to persevere and uphold their hope and show them
that life is like a wheel - you experience both good and bad and learn
accordingly. The best part that applies
to you and others is that, lover never fails!
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