Learning who you are is
your personal responsibility. Most
social institution you went through starting with your family empowered you to
understand the values and beliefs of your family first, your community and the
world at large. The fact is; you are a
spirit being with a soul living in a body.
Very few of us have been
socialized in spirituality competence as much as in social prosperity. This is what the system has been doing and
still is providing. This situation does not give you an excuse for not being
spiritually wiser. The second fact is
that you are created in the image of the Creator of all things. This means you
are a spirit being capable of discerning your spiritual gifts and environment. You knew the good and evil from a very young
age. You will recall that when you took something without permission you hit
it. You even were able to argue to
support your deceit though your heart banged so loudly; begging you to come
The spiritual health operates
around love because the Creator is Love.
Love is defined as being able to see good in you, others and the whole
creation. This is central because when you love your Creator and yourself, you
will easily love others and seek to sustain life. The key is to note that you become what you
think about. The following is an outline
of guidelines of what your thoughts should engage in:
True things:
This means you do not entertain lies.
Noble things:
You carry yourself with dignity and
allow nothing but gracious thoughts.
Pure things:
You choose what occupies your inner space. Remember, you become what you put in
through all your senses.
Lovely things:
This refers to the nature of activities you engage in. For an example, would it
make sense to be in the company of thieves and claim to be thinking of lovely
things? No!
Praise worthy things:
Thoughts that seek to encourage others and not think of any little blemishes
you picked during the presentation for an example.
How do you know when you
walk in love? You know that you walk in love when you (your inner man – spirit you)
have a positive general feelings:
You give unconditional love readily to others and even unlovable ones.
You are constantly bubbling with positive energy.
You seek peace regardless of circumstances.
Exercising pertinence to those unlovable family members and colleagues.
Demonstrating love to others by caring for the destitute.
Walking in integrity.
Making a difference by choosing a gentle approach to others.
Placing high moral values on your behavior and interaction with others.
Your Creator said you can
do all things through Him, for His grace is sufficient to make you an over comer.
Your flesh is constantly seeking its gratification which in most cases is not
pure; while your spirit self seeks to do good things. These are basic
guidelines towards seeking spiritual enlightenment. It is going up the stream.
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