Create-a-new life!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Taking control: Seek help to move faster to self identified goal!

Being hands-on is a good principle of leaning; however you have to identify situations where expert help is necessary.  A prolonged struggle with one or several steps towards your identified goals could dampen you motivation or derail you completely.
What is self identified goal?
Your identified goal is a part of your vision. It entails a set of tasks that lead to what you want to achieve during your life.  It signifies a passion towards your life purpose and aligns to your given talents and spiritual gifts.  You may perceive this is a light yoke, in the sense that it wakes up in odd hours with clear and exciting insights that perfect what you need to do to reach the desired destination. You are never tired or stressed when you are engaged in tasks that lead to this type of goals. Actually, you experience fulfillment; joy and peace that energize you to affect others in a positive way.
How to handle self identified goals challenges!
While you may have a clear picture of your destination, you could experience challenges on how to get there.  For an example, I knew that I wanted to pass my degree with 80% plus, yet I realized that my average in accounting course was 50%. I had to find a coach, a lecturer in the Institute of Accounting Studies. I passed accounting course with credit for the first time; my total grade was a second class. In this era of high technology and increased level of knowledge, you are likely to experience some hurdles. Note the following common challenges that could require specialized assistance:
1.    Career plans: It could be that you did not access ideal counsel and discovered midway during your university program that you are not suited for the profession you are undertaking. Rather than ignore the situation, you may consider consulting a career counselor who could show you possibilities of linking what you are doing with that which you really want.  For example, if you are doing business administration and want to switch to medicines, do not despair; you have advantage because the skill will come handy when you run your own surgery.
2.   You feel lost or intimidated? Your vision is designed to fit what you have but always requires more than your capability because you need others to reach it.  Often when this truth is not yet revealed, you may feel lost, intimidated or discouraged.  Find a life coach who will help you to find your own answers. For an example, it could be that you are dealing with unidentified need. Spiritual needs are somewhat complex; find a spiritual coach. It is amazing how spiritual mankind is! A coach will not advise you, but will listen to you, ask you questions that will lead you to clear strategies required to get to your destination. Whatever you want or need is available. The good thing about the internet is that, help is a click away. The most important role a coach does is to assist you with information – resources and how to access them. A coach is a support you need; someone who will hold your hand and cheer every step of your achievement.
3.    Your goal is unattainable? Many resourceful people are affected by economic recession or political instability and find that they are not able to get started. This is true especially for aging people who did not have access to technology at school or workplace.  The starting point is to register for internet literacy. You need this skill which may enlarge your current job or open new opportunities.  It will definitely come handy when you retire and start your online business. It is worth hiring a coach to be able to identify and utilize your given talents.
Take control of your life! Evaluate your content; you will be amazed of how resourceful you are! Often you feel you have reached the end of your life when you retire; that is the statement of your ego. Find help and open new doors; there is always a chapter that needs to be written to complete the picture of your existence!     

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