Destructive behavior is a
range of actions that display negative emotions, characterized by non-compliance
to the norms and values of the family, community and other social institutions.
It is an irrational response to the environment which denotes absence or low
level of consciousness.
Factors of destructive behavior
Behavior is a learned
response to various stimuli which become habits over time. At birth an infant have few inherited characteristic which are
subject to change depending on an environment.
This denotes that an infant has no skill to understand most of what is
going on around it; nonetheless all that is archived in a unconscious mind.
Information in the unconscious mind is not accessible to the conscious mind,
but influences your thinking patterns and behavior throughout your life. The following
are contributing factor of destructive behavior:
An infant is socialized by parents first, then the community, school and the
church; thus laying foundation to be a prosperous member of the society. The
nature of this important foundational education will shape observable and
non-observable behavior which could be positive or destructive. Socialization encompasses
a dissemination of knowledge information and functional skills.
Dysfunctional family: Denotes a family unit that is broke and not performing
optimally. Parents are role-models and can only produce ideal results if they display
ideals that are based on standard specific moral principles. Dysfunctional
family impacts a child negatively because it fails to maintain a sense of
belonging and holistic emotional and physical security.
Is a surrounding and has an overwhelming effect on a child at various stages of
development. The media teaches children both good and bad behavior; and
parenting has become a challenge especially with regard to deteriorating moral
Common destructive behavior
Destructive behavior
manifest early in life. Children beat others intentionally and parents ignore
these; yet it is a cue that should raise a red flag. Note the following common
destructive behaviors:
Anger – displays
aggressive behavior that threatens others verbally and physically. It does not attract
people to you.
– is a form of controlling behavior, where a person seeks to overrule others through
forceful logic. It destroys interactive communication.
– is a devious and purposeful false display of love or positive attitude with
intention to abuse trust and usefulness of other people’s possessions and skills.
People must choose to love and offer
their emotional and physical support willingly and not because they are deceived.
– is choosing to think and do things that benefit self regardless of a plight
of others. This is the opposite of love.
How to address destructive behavior
A behavior is a manifestation of a thought which could be
triggered by information received through all sensory portals. Your mind
process a lot of information at any moments and the process slows
down during your sleep. Most people are not aware of their behavior because
their mind is on auto-pilot mode and over active. They key to identify any
destructive behavior is being present – paying attention to what you are
thinking NOW. This will enable you to attempt to analyze the motivation for
your behavior as follows:
Evaluate daily activities: Ask yourself: What did I do today? Attempting to answer
this question will rewind what you did; people you met and what transpired. Analyzing
your constant underlying emotions of the daily activity will highlight
emotional blemishes. This is the beginning of reclaiming your consciousness –
ability to control yourself.
Write down incidents
that disturbed your peace: Recording
activities where you did not act rationally is learning to be objective about
your observation. The purpose is not to judge yourself; but learn to look from
a third person’s perspective. You will be amazed of how unconscious you could
be! You may find yourself reacting and not responding in most cases.
Empower yourself: We
all have a lot of room to change. The question is; do you want to change to be
a better person? While you cannot access
unpleasant information and experiences stored at unconscious level, you can
increase the positive ones consciously as follows:
v Stop any negative
thought as soon as it occurs and
replace it with pleasant one including praying or singing. Develop a new hobby
of reading spiritual books; listening to audio on quieting you mind.
v Learn to meditate. You already know how to dwell on negative thoughts; so
you can intentionally think and speak to yourself; thus reinforcing your self
confidence and ability to prosper in relationships, health and wealth.
v Learn the principles
of Emotional Intelligence. You can only
change what you have identified as needing your attention!
v Seek professional
help. If you feel you have too
much on your plate and have no skill to unlearn unpleasant behavior, seek a
life coach or counseling.
Taking control of your
life is being proactive about reshaping a new you. It is not seeking to shift
anything anywhere; but reinventing a genius in you according to your talents
and spiritual gifts. You owe yourself a chance to live your life without blaming!
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