Love is one law through
which we must all learn to conform to and trust the Creator to reveal their
power to maintain connectivity with Him.
Faith that He knows what is best for us; ushers us into transcending
peace and holistic wellness.
Love and faith defined.
Love is the
positive energy that defines your spirituality; the completeness which
characterize the source from which mankind comes from. Faith is unfathomable trust and enabling mechanism
that is necessary to maintain connectivity and divinity of our higher self. Love and faith therefore co-exist to maintain
access to the powerful and all knowing Creator, whose name is Love.
The concept of surrendering.
Surrendering is
yielding to what is through the power of being fully present to the
reality. It is a spiritual technique
that enables a person not to apply resistance because that which you resist,
you attract. This then says you maintain your power
over negative circumstances through conscious application of the principle of acceptance
of your environment. This does not mean allowing the negative energy to invade
your inner self. It simply says you must learn to observe negativity without
attaching your emotions; thus maintaining your power over such circumstances.
How love and faith apply to overcoming challenges!
Maintaining love is
a personal decision. This means not
allowing anything to steal your ability to function in love and applying it in
all situations. Yes, it is possible
if you learn to be conscious of your driving motives. For an example, have you caught yourself
reacting to a situation? How did you
realize that you reacted and not responded to the situation? Consider the
following: You are in a doctor’s waiting room with other patients, all quietly reading
something. Suddenly someone pushes a door open and starts talking about the
current political scandal. You can:
React by
annoyingly hush that person and start lecturing him to keep quite. The tendency is to go on to display your
grievance for respecting other people’s right for maintaining their peaceful
you can respond to disturbance by looking at this person with conditional compassion:

denotes simply keeping your cool and not allowing any disturbance to steal your
peaceful state of being (which means be- in- God).
The first two items
are reactions of differing degree: The first is a clear negative reaction that
shows absence of the consciousness and self control. Reaction equates you and associates you to
the scene at hand; thus reducing your ability to maintain your peace and self
control. The second is still negative
reaction. The difference is that you are silently disturbed and are reacting by
being judgmental. The last state of
calmness reveals consciousness which surrender to the change of environment
without allowing your peaceful emotions to be altered by outside factors. You are able to maintain peace because it is
your functioning principle. It is choosing to control your thoughts for you are
the only one who has access to them.
Taking control
means ability to maintain your power of surrendering to circumstances through
being alert to monitor the nature of your thoughts. Ego wants to be in control by applying
forceful approach to maintain its ideal environment; anything contrary tends to
flip into negativity. The principle of applying unconditional love to yourself first
then to others will elevate your sustainable access and connectivity to your
Creator from whom your peacefulness is guaranteed.
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