Attaining a peaceful attitude is a virtue we all seek
and must learn to maintain when we find it. We fall back because we do not have
basic skills and tend to react to our
environment which in most cases consist of absent minded people who are not
aware when they create negative energy around others.
Relationships in this context refer to how you
interact with your parents and friends. Managing relationships is a challenge
that could become a hurdle and curtails your speed towards your goals. Let me highlight common challenges in life:
Nagging parents. If you are born into challenging
family it means you are in danger of adopting their way of life or developing
undesirable defense mechanisms. If you
have a noisy family you will not appreciate the importance of quite environment
and its benefits of enabling you to hear when people speak with normal
volume. Nagging and controlling are
cousins. It is a tendency to constantly
breaths down somebody’s neck, dishing out instructions of how to do everything.
When you feel the anger rise within you for being mistaken for a
mentally disable person, the best way to ward-off such intrusion is to politely
request your mum or dad to comment after you have completed the task at
hand. This will send the message that
you will request assistance when you need it and that they are not empowering
you to become you.
Suspicious parents: Parenting is a challenge to
many parents and they approach it through trial and error because they too are
the products of poor parenting.
Instilling trust in a child is a very important milestone. For an example, when parents do not trust you that you do have a study group after classes
it could damage your relationship with them and lower your self-esteem in the
eyes of your friends. How do you handle
If they are approachable, ask them politely why they
do not trust you? Find out what you have done that might have cause the
mistrust and do your best to be a person of integrity – behaving well all the
time especially when you are alone or away from them.
Over-zealous partner: How do you handle a relationship partner who wants to
know minute details of what you want to do daily? If you are a lady and you
have this overwhelming attention how would you handle it? Would you be happy to
be monitored that way?
It is normal for love partners to want to do activities together. Should
there be exceptions if for instance you are a lady going out with a girl friend
for shopping then a hair salon? Be honest about needing your private time to be
alone and being you; because if you are like me, I do need my time and space to
read my spiritual books, listen to empowerment videos and simply enjoying being
quite. I need this!
We could walk away
from friends, but we do not choose parents.
Although in most case parents mean well when they demand compliance to
their way of dong things, they need to be made aware that their beliefs and
values have been adjusted and that you have new ones which they must respect as
you exit into adulthood or other social stages of development. You take control of your life when you do not
tip-toe around your dislikes. Let your parents and friends know who you
are. They will like you for being honest
about maintaining your cool.
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