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Love is as natural as breathing! There is someone out there who will allow love and surrender to this beautiful gift...! |
Love is a positive emotion;
distinctly characterized by attachment, caring and intimacy. Fear of giving
love is a negative emotion which is likely to render a person lonely,
unproductive and unable to move from gross-roads.
What breaking up means!
Breaking up denotes that a
couple failed to compromise their principles, beliefs, and values to the extent
that their paths became parallel; never to meet anywhere. Both parties are
likely to develop deep feelings of hurt and betrayed confidence. It means one
or both parties missed the mark either by faulty impressions of visible
behavior and missed to engage intuition which is more accurate in discerning
issues of the soul and spirit or by not addressing pertinent life principles
during the initial stage of dating. Both are likely to get confused by
impressions, which are objectives learned through physical senses and archived
in the intellect and therefore come through that source. Intuition on the other
hand comes from within and results from raised physical vibration state of
consciousness through the physical brain. It is the higher state of
consciousness of unobservable impending reality communicated from within;
instructing you convincingly to take a particular action. In a case of broken
relationship, it is critical to analyze impressions that led you astray and then
reach within to get clear instruction of what remedial action will apply for
Learning to love again!
Learning is a mandatory
ongoing process of acquisition of knowledge and skill. While psychologically
erasing hurting experience is hard because your body cells memorized hurtful
things that happened to you through one or all your senses, you can choose to
consciously replace those memories with pleasant ones. Allowing fear to
prohibit your heart to reciprocate affection from others is the clear statement
of lack of faith in your ability to learn from your mistakes. It is condemning
yourself to life imprisonment of withholding the most beautiful gift of
experiencing emotional, intellectual and spiritual fulfillment from love; it is
consciously giving power to those who have hurt you. Consider how you learned
everything you know:
Before you learned
to walk someone took your hand and patiently encouraged you to take each step
and picked you up when you fell; cheering your efforts for every step.
As an adult, you
made mistakes and because you have matured, you must analyze your contribution
in failed relationship so that you can choose alternative strategies.
Learn the
principles of the natural laws:
If you applied the
Law of Force by way of manipulation, withholding love and attempting to control
the other party, you reaped what you sowed. You created and born a free being and
you cannot succeed to forcefully change others.
Universal principle
says that if you surrender something you cherish, it will come back to you multiplied.
The Law of Harmonious Attraction says what you resist, persist. If conflict has
reached resentment stage, it means a lot of damage has occurred because one or
both parties have been unconscious of emotional, social, and psychological
needs of the other. Trusting again will be a challenge and needs spiritual
application of the principles of love. The Creator defines love (in the Bible –
1Corintians 13:1 -7) as ideal for humanity because He is love and we are
created in His image. He has provided enabling mechanism of letting go of the
past and giving unconditional love to others. He encourages us to choose love.
Forgiving is a
choice. It means choosing not to dwell on grief, instead to let time heal the emotional
wounds and allowing trust to build because love cannot develop and exist
without trust.
The challenge of
developing and building love means trusting yourself first that you can regard
a new partner without comparing him or her with your ex. It is being ready
psychologically to give and receive care, approval and allowing physical
contact; it is deciding to be vulnerable again to another person. Loving again is
being conscious about valuing the other party’s needs and happiness. It is
paying attention to the quality of intimacy – sharing of your thoughts, desires
and feelings with each other.
Love is a natural state of
being and existence. It is a life promoting gift without which a person loses
purpose and stops to grow. Decision to move out of grief will thrive if a
person has decided to let go the Law of Force and apply the Law of Harmonious
Attraction. To gain momentum in the latter requires application of the power of
now; being fully aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions. It is learning
and consistently practicing declaration of intend to start-over a new life from
the premise of unconditional love; one that seek and uphold strengths and not
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