reasons why your mother-in-law is a challenge!
As I earnestly looked for
possible reason why daughters-in-law are not getting along with their mothers-in-law,
I remembered an example given by my psychology teacher regarding conscious, subconscious
and unconscious mind. She explained that
one of the functions of the mind is to capture, classify and file all
information and experiences through all senses. I now realize that while your
mother-in-law is happy that you are going to bear her grand-children by
marrying her son, she loses him to you and that makes you her rival. This unconscious loss manifest in more than the
following examples:
1. Unreasonable general dislike of you: She
dislikes your dress code, cooking styles, your choice of paint colors and
2. Controlling behavior: You
do not love her enough because you declined to be her trophy; showing you off in
public gatherings by overplaying your introduction to friends, family and everybody.
3. You are a bad influence: Her
son no longer gives her money or gifts regularly.
4. You control her son: Her
son has changed the way he dresses his beard and shaves his head.
5. Unreasonable expectations:
You gave her tea with your ordinary tea set and not one from your display
cabinet (the best you do not use regularly).
6. Refuses to cut her apron strings around
your husband: You must keep her informed about private
matter such as spacing your children.
7. She sees herself as authority: She
insists to be informed about your developments – buying a house or a new car.
consequences of complying with your mother-in-law’s expectations
Marriage is like a
project; it needs your undivided attention. It is highly possible that you will
lose focus on working on your marriage if you also seek to meet your mother-in-law’s
expectations. Remember that there is a ‘leaving both your parents and cleaving’ to each other clause in your marriage
contract. This should give you some form
of relief that you are complying with the terms if you are cleaving to your
husband. Nevertheless, since you want
some form of peace, you must learn how to cope with your mother-in-law’s expectations
without letting her into your life.
to love your Mother-in-Law
1. Apply the law of harmony:
Regard her with compassion because you have won her son.
2. Practice the power of now: Love
is applicable only in the present.
Disregard what she said one hour ago and what she is likely to say in the
next hour. Love her regardless of her sulking.
3. Be assertive when refusing her control
over your lifestyle: Just give her appropriate place in your
heart; that is, learn to say ‘no’ to practices that separate you as a couple.
4. Be determined to win: Your
mother-in-law is a project you must manage effectively and efficiently; and
must complete successfully!
While your spouse is doing
the right thing by refusing to allow a third person in your marriage, you are
likely to feel like giving in. Remember, you too may feel like you have
abandoned her. To ensure that there is no subtle bad energy between you as a couple,
agree on a monthly allowance even if she does not need it. She will treasure
that feeling of being in your budget book.
As a couple, your first responsibility is to nurture your love by not
exposing it to any harsh elements. Remember you swore to value each other for
life. You have started over a new life; and parents should support that divine goal.
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