A marriage relationship is a bond of positive
energy between two parties who consciously responded to this energy and decided
to share their resources and themselves without reservations. It is a connection which is designed by the Creator
to unite two people and is intended to transcend the grave.
I do not know if you have ever tried to understand
why two highly educated people who have acquired complex knowledge in their
fields of expertise fail decimally to rescue their relationship! I considered
two factors: How each perceives the world – introversion and extraversion; and
sensing and intuition both of which are critical for effective
and Introversion: Generally you respond from both
internal and external motivation but one way is predominant and therefore
defines your common known way of response to the environment. When you are more responsive to outside
environment you are an extravert; and when you internalize most of the
experience and converse with yourself more than express your response, you are
an introvert. An introvert is able to analyze information
and encode background meanings and therefore thinks through the problem more
comprehensively. An extravert is more spontaneous and thinks after the action
in most instances. For an example, consider a couple passing a scene of an
accident. An introvert will wonder how it happened internally while an
extravert will ask rhetorical questions which are likely to sound silly because
the other person cannot answer them. Would
you agree with me that this way of responding to the world could negatively affect
the relationship?
and Intuition: This refers to the way you gather
data and make decisions. When you gather data through the five senses and
decode it literally like scientists, you are applying your senses. We all have basic intuition which is a form
of protection mechanism when data is not enough for decision-making. You are intuitive if you generate abstract
faculties beyond the five senses to gather and decode information. Now let us
apply this to a relationship setting: An intuitive party would feel the degree
of deteriorating affection regardless of efforts to maintain the expected
behavior. In other words, five senses
cannot decipher ailing relationship compared to the power of intuition.
Consider the following:
intuitive partner may try to apply remedial measures as soon as things start
cooling off by coming up with a new and exciting way of doing things. The greatest challenge of intuition is that
it is a personal knowing which may not have enough reasons to convince anybody
except the person experiencing it. As a
result the other party may not appreciate change when things that define normal
environment are present.
for the future could be a challenging exercise when the couple thinks
differently. Imagine the couple trying to draw a will and allocating resources
to two children. It would be ideal to do so considering all factors which would
include intuitive approach. The point here is that logic is not always enough
in the decision-making equation. Intuition overrides senses and helps in seeing
the big picture.
pull and push pattern may sever the relationship to the point of despair for an
intuitive party who is also an introvert.
The feeling that the relationship is not working may be felt by one
party. The challenge is that, the reason
for walking away from such ailing relationship may not be convincing to the other
party including the legal system. As I explore the four types of intuition, you
will realize why relationships are complex. Intuition is critical to affirm
your decision to walk away from the ailing relationship. It will say yes to your decision to start over
and take control of your life.
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